1. Definition of Poverty:- Poverty is the scarcity of certain amount of material possession or money. Poverty is a multifaceted concept, which may include social,economic and political element. 2. Causes of Poverty:- Lack of Education Lack of Resources International Sections International Invasions Internation Riots and Protests Personal Reason Physical Disability No family support Ill Health Lack of Planning 3. Types of Poverty:- Economic Poverty Bodily Poverty Mental Poverty Cultural Poverty Spiritual Poverty Political Poverty Societal Poverty 4. Poverty in the State of India One half of India's poor is located in the three states of Uttar Pradesh,Bihar,Madhya Pradesh. Maharastra,West Bengal and Orissa are account for 22.5% of poverty. 5. Important Measures are adopted to remove poverty in India Integral Rural Development Programme (IRDP) Training Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM) Drought Prone Area Pro...
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